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Using True Type Fonts

So you've found a nice font and want to use it in your skin?
In this tutorial I will let you know how to do it.

1. Using of a TTF (true type font) 
2. Editable stuff on TTF

1. Using of a TTF (true type font) in your skin.
First copy or download a font to your skin map. Can be anywhere in your skin.
Now edit player-elements.xml (in your xml folder) with your favorite editor.

<bitmapfont id="player.SmallFixed" file="player/font.png" charwidth="5" charheight="6"
hspacing="0" vspacing="0" />
<bitmapfont id="player.BIGNUM" file="player/numfont.png" charwidth="9" charheight="13"
hspacing="3" vspacing="1" />

These fonts in the default are bitmap fonts. You say why? well it's because wa3 alpha 
can't read ttf's from wal files.
So if you use a ttf, you first have to unzip your skin to work properly.
Those default fonts are from a bitmap and they look like this :


The charwidth,charheigt, hspacing and vspacing are not needed in ttf, this is just for a
bitmapfont, to let u know what size each char is.
So it can read it without problems

Edit the bitmap font you want a ttf....
This is the code for a TTF (in player-elements.xml)
 <truetypefont id="player.SmallFixed" file="player/mygroovyfont.ttf" />
Where your id is the id you want and file, the file you want to.

In the player-normal.xml you'll get something like this :

<text id="what do you want?" 
display="what u want" 
default="This is the default shown"  x="51"
y="70" w="201" h="18" 
font="player.SmallFixed" fontsize="18" color="195,192,161" />

Default will be shown when your wa3 is inactive.
You can change the color too, it's in rgb mode.

Created by Naamloos

If you find any bugs or have comments:

Introduction Folders and xml basic Pointing 
The xml folder and player.xml The elements of disaster Laying it all out
Checklist The code

Alpha Channels Photoshop A Basic Animation Adding Components
 The Player Button Png Using TTF files.
All contents of this site copyright Neoart Designs
Unless otherwise specified.