Starting From
Starting To Customize
Tips And Hints
Feedback Form
You are Vistor #

       Welcome to my Winamp 3 site

      On this site you will find tutorials, downloads
      and resourses connected with the skinning and
      scripting of Winamp 3.
	  Notice: To all of you who have been following 
      the starting from stratch tutorial. My friend 
      King'o found a mistake in my code. Its in the 
      code for the first "skin.xml" file. I apologize 
      for the mistake. Please look at the code page 
      again and re-write your code to match.
          Thanks. The pusher.
      Navigate the the tutorials by the link clusters
      at the bottom of the page. Main catagorys with
      introductions are on the left.

      If you have something to contribute. Send me an
      e-mail Here
      The feedback form is not funtioning properly at
      this time. If you need to contact me, please send
	  me an e-mail
      If you are a begginer to Winamp 3 skinning,
      You should start at the first tutorial called
      skinning Winamp 3 from scratch. This tutorial
      will allow you to create skins out of nothing
      if you follow it patiently from start to finish.
      This is just a suggestion. But the advantages
      of learning the xml basics first, will save you
      hours of frustration later.
      If your using the site and reading the tutorials
      I would appreciate it if you would send me an
      E-mail and let me know if your finding it usefull.
      Plus I would love to see your skins in progress.
      Browse around and Check back for updates. 
	  Enjoy. Pixelpusher                          
Introduction Folders and xml basic Pointing 
The xml folder and player.xml The elements of disaster Laying it all out
Checklist The code

Alpha Channels Photoshop A Basic Animation Adding Components
 The Player Button Png Using TTF files.
                    Bookmark this site!
                   All contents of this site copyright Neoart Designs
                             Unless otherwise specified.