Welcome to my Winamp 3 skinning tutorial.

In this tutorial you will learn how to get started skinning Winamp 3 from scratch.
Which is (I Think) the best way to learn it.
Let me explain why.
In Winamp 2 you were basically just changing the look of a pre-defined interface shape.
In Winamp 3, you have the ability to change it's form, hence the name free-form skinning
is attached in reference to Winamp 3. Which is way cool as you will see.

Following this tutorial will require some patience and hard work. But the end result, will be that you know how to start a Winamp 3 skin from nothing. I will try to be as simply in my explainations as possibly. So brew a pot of coffee or grab that 2 litre of Mountian dew and lets begin!!! First things first. What you need to get started. You must have tools to create. You Need: A text editor, Your good old MS notepad will work fine. A graphics program. Preferably "Adobe Photoshop" or "Paintshop Pro" The reason for these prefered graphics programs will be explained later. At another time with other information. But they are not required to create Winamp 3 skins. O.K. on with the skinning already. Next page ->

Introduction Folders and xml basic Pointing
The xml folder and player.xml The elements of disaster Laying it all out
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